NDM: What's wrong with the internet?

1) Summarise the article in 50 words.
in summary, the Internet has evolved at an astronomical which has made it prone to privacy however, some argue that it's acceptable!! this means that it slowly becoming something of the norm; evidently, in the article, the privacy of students have been breached.   
2) Are you worried about companies tracking your online movement? I am certain that companies have tracked my movement through cookies which mean they market ads that I would like such as clothing or shoes. sadly this shows that it is becoming very easy to tap into individuals privacy without them even knowing. 

3) Are the problems with the internet (such as concerns over data and privacy) a price worth paying for all the benefits we gain from life online? In my opinion, I believe that in somewhat can be avoided with the right protection such as keeping Facebook accounts private.  And the choices what each person makes when he/she post online, therefore its the individual's choice of how much they invest online meaning everyone has a choice what is being posted and states online, no one is being forced. Therefore the internet comes with its own pros and cons itself.  

4) Should governments be able to spy on our activity online? Where would you draw the line - social media? Private messaging conversations? Our phone photos and contacts. In a way because the grief we have been seeing in and around London, the government will have their concerns meaning that if they see any red flags pop up on any individual's online activity (that may be linked to the terror attacks) they are most likely to track them online and spy on them because what they are doing research online for.  

5) Read this Guardian news story from last week on Harvard withdrawing offers due to offensive memes on Facebook. In your opinion, were Harvard right to rescind those offers?even though it is obscene to see a professional Harvard student be looking at these types of "memes"  could be hindering it's not right to go through one privacy because it's private and however if they are not stopped they would not be able to learn from their mistakes. Therefore it was right for Harvard to remove them from the cohort because they have been deemed as individuals who are carrying bad attribute; this is overall going to tarnish Harvard's name, therefore, it was technically right for them to be removed.   


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