NDM News: A case study in News and Social Media

1) What does Guardian journalist and academic Emily Bell say has happened to the print news industry on page 1 of the fact sheet? form the fact sheet its evident that journalism has changed due to the fact that "now day's the news industry is at the point of transition" evidently now journalist have little control over which stories reach their audiences 

2) How do news stories become prominent on social media? within the fact sheet it states that:
"Facebook and other social media sites use a series of complicated
formulae to decide which news stories rise to the top of your page or
news feed and this algorithm contains editorial decisions, every piece

of software design carries social implications" this overall suggest audiences only see news articles that they are truly interested in; therefore gatekeepers have no longer got a dominance of what is being published or being seen by the consumers and is now all controlled by the consumers and also because of the use of algorithm 

3) What is Edge Rank and how does it work?
Facebook Edge rank Algorithm. Facebook uses the Edge rank algorithm to determine the posts that should be shown on a user's Top News feed. The algorithm works reasonably similar to Search Engine Optimisation.

4) Why was the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri (after the shooting of Michael Brown) an interesting example of how Facebook's news algorithm works?Facebook engineers state that; ‘we are ‘just a platform’, the ‘technology
is neutral’; ‘we don’t make editorial decisions.’ Whatever they might
say their algorithms do have unintentional unpredictable consequences.

5) How did the news of Osama Bin Laden's death break+  How does news spread on Twitter?

A full hour before the formal announcement of Bin-Laden’s death, Keith
Urbahn posted a tweet; “So I’m told by a reputable person they have
killed Osama Bin Laden. This was how the news spread over the media and overall Osama bin laden death go viral and in reality at the time of when this tweet was posted the user had a total of 1000 followers and now for a tweet to go viral an individual has to have a real baseline amount of followers and subscribers for a tweet to actually spread. 

Furthermore, within the fact sheet it states "Twitter relays news in real time and reverse chronological order that means that it’s up-to-date and that past tweets get buried. Academics like
Tufekci argue that this is why it is so powerful because it can spread real time stories"

7) What is YOUR opinion on editorial control at tech giants like Facebook and Twitter? Are they neutral or should they play an active role (such as blocking and deleting ISIS beheading videos)? overall i believe that it is now becoming much more harder for the big elites to deal with these problems due to the fact that it so saturated meaning that its now going to much harder for them to deal with than ever before.

8) Spend some time exploring First Look Media. Is this a realistic future for quality journalism? "A bold, independent spirit defines everything we do at First Look Media – from journalism that holds the powerful accountable, to arts & entertainment that shapes our culture. Launched by eBay founder and philanthropist Pierre Omidyar, First Look Media is built on the belief that freedom of expression and of the press, and fiercely independent perspectives, are vital to a healthy democracy and a vibrant culture" https://www.firstlook.media/about in my opinion i think that this is a good source for independent resources of media to ensure that they are making a page for consumer to pick and chose good quality media.

9) Read the About page for First Look Media. What are they trying to achieve and do you think they will be successful? I do think that they are going to be successful as they are different to mainstream audience this means that they are going to be able to attract a niche type of audience that is different to the mainstream as they are quiet underestimated to the mainstream.   


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