NDM News: Globalisation and fake news

Fake news: blog tasks

The Guardian & the global problem of fake news

1) Read this Guardian feature - Fake news: an insidious trend that's fast becoming a global problem 

2) What similarities do you notice between the different countries outlined in the article and their problems with fake news? Germany, Brazil, India, China, Australia, Myanmar, Italy and France. one of the major similarities of this is the spread of fake news and how much of and effect its having on all these different countries mentioned. in contrast in China its much more if a problem because in china "Problems with fake news and fraudulent reporters" In one high-profile case, a journalist was paid more than $70,000 to write negative stories about a construction equipment manufacturing company, sending its shares tumbling.

3) Is fake news an inevitable consequence of the "culture of freedom and innovation" that the internet has brought with it? Is there a way to stop it? overall in my opinion as the New and Digital Media evolved it has created the potential for fake news to be constructed. this is due to the fact that now its much more easier to promote and publish what ever we please at any given time. 

New York Times and the creation of fake news

1) Read this New York Times feature - Inside a Fake News Sausage Factory: ‘This Is All About Income’

2) Which fake news stories were particularly successful for Beqa Latsabidze, the 22-year-old student in Tbilisi, Georgia, who tried to make money from web articles on Trump? 

  • Some of his Trump stories are true, some are highly slanted and others are totally false, like one this summer reporting that “the Mexican government announced they will close their borders to Americans in the event that Donald Trump is elected President of the United States.” Data compiled by Buzzfeed showed that the story was the third most-trafficked fake story on Facebook from May to July.
  • “Stop it Liberals…Hillary Lost the Popular Vote by Several Million. Here’s Why.” That story, like most of Mr. Latsabidze’s work, was pilfered from the web.

3) How much can Facebook and Google be blamed for this global rise in fake news?

overall i believe that Google and Facebook can be ones to be blame but ones to not be blamed because overall its the consumers fault due to the amount of power we know have as prosumer's; furthermore Facebook is not alone in coming under fire over fake news. Google said it would be clamping down on abuses of its Ad Sense advertising platform. this overall now shows that both Facebook and Google have had a massive impact on fake news and has overall had an effect on the way we now look at news because of the global rise in fake news.


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